United Kingdom

Maureen Chitty
Maureen Chitty
St.Albans. Hertfordshire. Near North London. England
Maureen Chitty - has a rich background and training in Jungian psychology, symbolism, art and drama therapy. Trained with Hal and Sidra Stone in the 90¹s. Facilitator of Voice Dialogue for 20+ years. Individuals, couples and groups. (Relationships, Inner Child, Dreams).

Peter DellensenPeter Dellensen
Blagdon Hill
I have ten years experience in the practice of Tibetan Buddhism: this knowledge and experience is an important basis for my approach to the work. My background as language and drama teacher in schools and at a teacher training college is giving me a strong foundation in language expression and in social and emotional skills. I specialise in relationship work and in training professionals, and I have my own...
Transforming DialogueTrilby Fairfax
Dorchester, Dorset
I am a qualified health psychologist and Voice Dialogue trainer working within the health care system in Holland, and also at the Berkeley clinic in London and at my home in Dorset. I have my own practice as therapist and energy coach using Voice Dialogue as the main tool for exploration and facilitation during the consultations. Since 2001 I have been running a...
John KentJohn Kent, B.A. Hons
Voice Dialogue UK
Richmond, Surrey
In 2006 I created Voice Dialogue UK as a vehicle for promoting Voice Dialogue here. I train facilitators, run workshops on a variety of topics, and facilitate individuals and couples. I have written a book called "Selves in Action" in which I relate the Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego Process to every day...
Jane KerselJane Kersel, FCMA
Senior member of ACCPH
What the thinking mind thinks the proving part of our mind will go out to prove and our lives become polarised and static. We are overly trained in doing life from our mentalised selves: judgemental, critical, controlling, aggressive, forward thinking , ego-driven at the cost of our heart-feeling selves: empathetic, tender, collaborative, concentric living, where there is time to tune into our centres for a more conscious and richer way of embodied living and greater adaptability and more enriching creative responses to life...
Jane de MontignyMarie-Danielle Koechlin Literature Degree and Sculpture Degree
I am a visual artist and a professional Voice Dialogist. I find great fulfilment in facilitating my clients, in transmitting them how to dance with their own Energies and to increase their creativity in all spheres of their lives.

Christina LeeChristina Lee, Counselling Psychologist
North London
I used to feel a little confused about being a human. I thought we were supposed to be one person. So how come I felt pulled in so many different directions? How come sometimes I wanted one thing and then later on I was attracted to another thing that was almost opposite? And why could I never decide what to eat in a restaurant?
Gabrielle PintoGabrielle Pinto, BSc Zoology
I am a licensed Homeopath and Acupuncturist with offices in Central London and Hampshire. As an added area of experience, I am an active managing partner in a large property management firm; this gives me an appreciation of the challenges faced by people in business. I blend Voice Dialogue and the dream process into my work with clients in my private practice. I am also...
Christina LeeDaniela Schlemm, CLMA Laban/ Bartenieff Movement Analyst
I have a very playful approach to Voice Dialogue as I think that just in play people (child or adult) are truly free to be creative and develop.
Transforming DialogueTransforming Dialogue
Dorchester, Dorset
Trilby Fairfax M.A. and Peter Dellensen are the co-founders of Transforming Dialogue  which offers trainings and consultations to promote deep transformation  and to enhance soul-quality dialogue within and between people. Both are very experienced trainers who have qualified in Transformational Psychology at the ITP in Holland and with Hal and Sidra Stone, the founders of Voice Dialogue.  They work...
Voice Dialogue UKVoice Dialogue UK
John Kent - Director
Richmond, Surrey
Trainings and private sessions take place in my home - a 145 year old Victorian cottage located in Kew, near Richmond in the West of London. This quiet, leafy suburb has good rail and road links and is only 45 minutes by underground from central London.
Esther ZahniserEsther Zahniser, M.A., Ed. Psychology
I personally find Voice Dialogue the most effective support for my process and for my work with others.
I have a deep respect for the parts of us that make up our personality, and for the parts of us that are disowned; that have to operate outside our consciousness. If we are to become more whole, we often need support in coming to know and accept these parts of ourselves.


psychology of the selves

The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue Introduction
A Fireside Chat
Article by Sidra Stone

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