John Kent, B.A. Hons

Voice Dialogue UK
2 Alexandra RoadRichmond, Surrey
+44 (0)7941 141377
I tried all sorts of therapeutic modalities to relieve the pain of my particular nails. Finally in the late '80s I came across Voice Dialogue and gave it a try. It worked! Since then it has provided me with an amazingly effective and efficient tool for handling all sorts of issues and challenges - both personally and professionally. I have applied it in my work with team building, decision-making, conflict resolution, and cross-cultural communication. In 2006 I created Voice Dialogue UK as a vehicle for promoting Voice Dialogue here. I train facilitators, run workshops on a variety of topics, and facilitate individuals and couples.
I have created the Voice Dialogue Online Program – a 7-module self-study elearning course covering all the basic aspects of Voice Dialogue:
I have also written a book called "Selves in Action" where I relate the Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego Process to every day life: Here
Languages Spoken: English

About This Practice
Practicing Since 1990
Teaching Since 1991
Areas of Interest: Facilitator training, Individual process, Relationship work, Inner Critic work, Dream process
Title/Field | School | Date | B.A. Hons | Leeds University | 1972 |
Title | State | Date | L.T.C.L. | Trinity College London | 1973 |
Professional Background |
2012 Published “Selves in Action”. Co-authored a chapter on Voice Dialogue in the anthology “Trauma, Dissociation and Multiplicity”. 2011 Designed and launched the Voice Dialogue Online Program. 2010 Organised and hosted the Convergence of worldwide senior Voice Dialogue practitioners and trainers in London. 2006-present- Founder and Director of Voice Dialogue UK running Facilitator Trainings, workshops on Building Healthy Relationships, the Inner Critic, and Decoding Dreams, as well as facilitating individuals and couples. 1995-present- Axiomskills Ltd. London, England - Director and Programme Consultant. Axiomskills Ltd. is a corporate training organisation headquartered in London that develops and delivers training programmes to industry and commerce worldwide. 1989-1995 1992-1994 1986-1989 1984-1986 1979-1984 Bauer International GmbH, Munich, Germany - External Consultant. Materials writer and management trainer. The Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland - External consultant. Directing intensive communication skills courses for research workers. Furudals Bruks Kursinternat, Furudal, Sweden - Teacher. Developing and teaching technical English for groups of Vietnamese engineers as for the Swedish International Development Authority. Teaching international liaison skills for Norwegian and Swedish members of parliament. 1977-1979 Koiku-sha Educational Publishing Company, Tokyo, Japan - Writer and Materials Analyst. Preparing and editing English language texts for monthly publication. 1976-1977 1975-1976 1973-1975 |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training | Tucson, AZ, USA | 04/1990 - 10/1991 | 10 weekend workshops + supervision | Gail Steuart |
Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves, Levels I & II | Thera, Albion, USA | 11/1993 | One week | Hal & Sidra Stone |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves, Level III | Thera, Albion, USA | 08/2003 | one week | Hal & Sidra Stone |
International Voice Dialogue Conference | Gwatt, Switzerland | 06/2005 | one week | Hal & Sidra Stone, Robert Stamboliev and others |
Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves, Level III | Thera, Albion, USA | 04/2007 | one week | Hal & Sidra Stone |
Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves | Thera, Albion, USA | 04/2008 | one week | Hal & Sidra Stone |
International Voice Dialogue Convergence | New York, USA | 09/2008 | one week | peer group sharing |
* The most recent workshops.