John Kent, B.A. Hons

John Kent

Voice Dialogue UK

2 Alexandra Road
Richmond, Surrey

+44 (0)7941 141377

A man is walking along a street one summer's evening. He sees an old man sitting in a rocking chair on the deck of his house. The old man is smoking a pipe and enjoying the evening. Next to him, a dog is sitting howling like it is in terrible pain. The man stops and calls over to the old man, "Hey, what's wrong with your dog?" "Oh him," the old man replies, "He's sitting on a nail. "Well why doesn't he get off it then?" the man calls back. After a pause the old man replies, "When it hurts him enough he will."

I tried all sorts of therapeutic modalities to relieve the pain of my particular nails. Finally in the late '80s I came across Voice Dialogue and gave it a try. It worked! Since then it has provided me with an amazingly effective and efficient tool for handling all sorts of issues and challenges - both personally and professionally. I have applied it in my work with team building, decision-making, conflict resolution, and cross-cultural communication. In 2006 I created Voice Dialogue UK as a vehicle for promoting Voice Dialogue here. I train facilitators, run workshops on a variety of topics, and facilitate individuals and couples.

I have created the Voice Dialogue Online Program – a 7-module self-study elearning course covering all the basic aspects of Voice Dialogue:

I have also written a book called "Selves in Action" where I relate the Psychology of Selves and the Aware Ego Process to every day life: Here

Languages Spoken: English

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1990
Teaching Since 1991

Areas of Interest: Facilitator training, Individual process, Relationship work, Inner Critic work, Dream process

Title/Field School Date
B.A. Hons Leeds University 1972
Title State Date
L.T.C.L. Trinity College London 1973
Professional Background

2012 Published “Selves in Action”. Co-authored a chapter on Voice Dialogue in the anthology “Trauma, Dissociation and Multiplicity”.

2011 Designed and launched the Voice Dialogue Online Program.

2010 Organised and hosted the Convergence of worldwide senior Voice Dialogue practitioners and trainers in London.

2006-present- Founder and Director of Voice Dialogue UK running Facilitator Trainings, workshops on Building Healthy Relationships, the Inner Critic, and Decoding Dreams, as well as facilitating individuals and couples.

1995-present- Axiomskills Ltd. London, England - Director and Programme Consultant. Axiomskills Ltd. is a corporate training organisation headquartered in London that develops and delivers training programmes to industry and commerce worldwide.

Cultural Exchange Service, Inc., Tucson, AZ. USA - Freelance Cross-cultural Communication Consultant. Working with profit and nonprofit groups in USA conducting cross-cultural and diversity trainings emphasizing effective collaborative relationships.

Voice Dialogue Center of Tucson, Tucson, AZ. USA - Co-founder and Associate Director. Training facilitators and facilitating intra-personal and interpersonal communication.

Axiom Ltd., Bristol, England - Founder and Director. UK based management training consultancy specializing in intensive communication skills seminars for European business people.

Intercultural Training and Orientation Services Ltd., London, England - Co-founder and Director. Training a series of intensive workshops on international presentation and negotiation skills in English.

IBM English Language Program, Bristol, England - External Consultant. Organizing and training mid-level Eurpoean managers in international communication / business skills.

Bauer International GmbH, Munich, Germany - External Consultant. Materials writer and management trainer.

The Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland - External consultant. Directing intensive communication skills courses for research workers.

Furudals Bruks Kursinternat, Furudal, Sweden - Teacher. Developing and teaching technical English for groups of Vietnamese engineers as for the Swedish International Development Authority.

Teaching international liaison skills for Norwegian and Swedish members of parliament.

Japanese Foreign Ministry's Intn'l Cooperation Agency, Tokyo, Japan - Project Teacher. Preparing Japanese foreign aid workers for overseas assignments.

Koiku-sha Educational Publishing Company, Tokyo, Japan - Writer and Materials Analyst. Preparing and editing English language texts for monthly publication.

Time-Life Business Communications Program, Tokyo, Japan - Teacher. Weekly review and follow-up of 'in-company' English language training materials.

Cambridge and Victoria Schools of English, London, England - Teacher. Teaching general English to mixed nationality groups.

Finnish British Society of Jyväskylä, Jyväskylä, Finland - Senior Teacher. British Council appointed English teacher responsible for curriculum development and supervision.

Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue Facilitator TrainingTucson, AZ, USA04/1990 - 10/199110 weekend workshops + supervisionGail Steuart
Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves, Levels I & IIThera, Albion, USA11/1993One weekHal & Sidra Stone
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves, Level IIIThera, Albion, USA08/2003one weekHal & Sidra Stone
International Voice Dialogue ConferenceGwatt, Switzerland06/2005one weekHal & Sidra Stone, Robert Stamboliev and others
Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves, Level IIIThera, Albion, USA04/2007one weekHal & Sidra Stone
Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of SelvesThera, Albion, USA04/2008one weekHal & Sidra Stone
International Voice Dialogue ConvergenceNew York, USA09/2008one weekpeer group sharing

* The most recent workshops.


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