Senior member of ACCPH

Jane Kersel
The Library Rooms
37 Queen Anne Street

Office mobile: +447771906006


What the thinking mind thinks the proving part of our mind will go out to prove and our lives become polarised and static. We are overly trained in doing life from our mentalised selves: judgemental, critical, controlling, aggressive, forward thinking , ego-driven at the cost of our heart-feeling selves: empathetic, tender, collaborative, concentric living, where there is time to tune into our centres for a more conscious and richer way of embodied living and greater adaptability and more enriching creative responses to life.

I offer consciousness training and relationship/communication tools informed by the work of Drs Hal and Sidra Stone and their Voice Dialogue and The Psychology of the Selves. I also use my energetics training of the yang (dynamic) yin (stillness), chakra system and breathwork from over 40 yrs of yoga and meditation practices to help clients become more balanced intuitively aware of their bodies, unhook from adrenal stress, reset the vagus nerves and with that comes a natural desire to eat more healthily, drink less, exercise more and naturally take more self-care.

My work can also drop into dreamwork and body dialogue (using the psychology of the selves methodology to unpack the symbolism of the dreams/body messages), Jungian shadow work and active imagination, creative play, and hypnotherapy to reset patterns at a theta brain wave level.

I am currently writing and researching the embodied feminine energetic and archetype. A thesis that takes us away from the intellectualised gender compartments and into the energetics that lie deeply within yet struggle to find a voice in this world.

Languages Spoken: English

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2008
Teaching Since 2014

Offering Continuing Education Credits: Yes

Areas of Interest: relationships/couples/family dynamics

Title State Date
ACCPH 2021 Senior Member
FCMA 2019 onwards Fellow of the Complimentary Medical
Type Granting Organization Date
Voice Dialogue 2000-2012 Yearly Trainings and private work in Mendocino with Hal and Sidra (level I, II, III and advanced)
Professional Background
  • Diploma in Counseling + Couples work
  • Diploma in Jungian studies and shadow work
  • Regressional Hypnotherapy Diploma - Gil Boyn Institute, Los Angeles
  • Diploma in Psychological Astrological
  • Yoga Alliance ERYT-500 hours (a teachers teacher)
  • Sat on the Boards of Triyoga, The Life Centre and the Biomedical Trust
  • BA Hons in Creativity and Design


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