Transforming Dialogue
Blagdon Hill, MartinstownDorchester, Dorset
01305 889243
Located amongst the rolling Dorset hills in South West England, Blagdon Hill is only a few minutes walk from the inland coast path with its spectacular sea views.
In addition to a large teaching and group work room, there are spaces for individual and small group sessions, a large garden with a lovely open rural aspect and an indoor swimming pool. For the ongoing training courses, fees usually include a substantial vegetarian lunch, and breaks are long enough to relax, socialise, take a walk in the surrounding countryside, or a swim in the pool.

Offerings |
A variety of courses and events for personal process and professional skills including: Introductory Days and Weekends on Voice Dialogue 3+ years training course in Transforming Dialogue for counsellors, trainers and non-professionals. This consists of a Foundation Year, an Intermediate Year and an Advanced Year’s training in Transformational Psychology using Voice Dialogue and The Psychology of Selves as it’s main tool. There are 5 non-residential weekends (Friday 8.15 pm till Sunday 5.30 pm) each year. The first weekend may be taken independently, so that it is possible to decide to commit to the rest of the trainings afterwards Based on a clear, flexible model of consciousness, and mainly focused in the here-and-now, Peter and Trilby’s approach is largely experiential, also incorporating ideas such as The power of Now (Tolle), Focusing (Gendlin) and Mindfulness (Kabat-zin), thus enabling us to transform old patterns and belief systems into inner awareness in a very practical way. The clarity, simplicity and flexibility of the Stone’s vision makes it possible to combine this work with other approaches. As well as Voice Dialogue facilitation, they may use energetics, voicework, constellations, dreams, art work and couples work to deepen and strengthen the process. Systemic Constellations: Peter and Trilby have developed their own compassionate style in the systemic work as developed by Bert Hellinger, integrating his work with Family Constellations with Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves Pesso training : Trilby offers regularly Pesso trainings of three days or a course spread over a few months consisting of five meetings. The Pesso work is body oriented, individual psychotherapy which takes place in a group setting. The focus of the work is to discover and decode the specific meaning which lies hidden within any particular body language or bodily experience. This then in its turn serves as a starting point enabling us to come more into contact with what Pesso calls our ‘true self’. Embodied Dream Imagination training Embodiment trainings are based on neurosciences, on the work of James Hillman and Henry Corbin as well as on the theories of mimesis and the complexity theory. Robert Bosnak developed a special way of working with dreams combining all this insights with his own experience. Peter Dellensen has been trained by him and will show you how to take the reality of the dream or a memory as a reality in itself . In doing so we listen to dreams in a embodied way, so you allow the selfhealing principle to work for you. Transforming Dialogue also creates trainings on request for groups interested in exploring a particular aspect of the work. Both Trilby and Peter have their own practice for individual and couple sessions, training and coaching. |
Staff Members
Peter and Trilby both trained in Holland and with Hal and Sidra Stone. They have more than 20 years experience with the Psychology of Selves and they guide the process in a gentle, humorous and inspiring way.
Trilby Fairfax M.A. and Peter Dellensen are the co-founders of Transforming Dialogue Both are very experienced trainers who have qualified in Transformational Psychology at the ITP in Holland and with Hal and Sidra Stone, the founders of Voice Dialogue. They work internationally with Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves and with Family Constellations. They have worked together as a couple for more than twenty years.
They have worked on different occasions in the U.S., the U. K., France and Holland as co-trainers with Hal and Sidra Stone, the founders of Voice Dialogue. They have trained extensively in the Hellinger method (systemic work using constellations)) with Hunter Beaumont, Gunthard Weber and Haidi Baitinger. This experience has consolidated and deepened during the last ten years by regular training in a constellation intervision group in Holland.
Trilby and Peter have also developed their own unique method integrating Voice Dialogue into the systemic work. In their trainings they offer constellation work with both the outer and inner family.
Peter also has ten years experience in the practice of Tibetan Buddhism: this knowledge and experience is an important basis for his approach to the work. His background as language and drama teacher in schools and at a teacher training college gives him a strong foundation in language expression and in social and emotional skills. He specialises in relationship work, and has his own practice using Voice Dialogue for individual and couple sessions and coaching.
Trilby is a qualified health psychologist and a Pesso-psychotherapist. She is working within the health care system in Holland, and also at the Penninghame clinic in London and at Body, Mind, Spirit in Dorchester. Next to that she combines her background as a musician, her long experience and training with voice liberation (Roy Hart Theatre) and her knowledge and experience of body and energy work in a unique way within her work. She has her own practice as therapist and energy coach using Voice Dialogue as her main tool for exploration and facilitation during the consultations