Daniela Schlemm, CLMA Laban/ Bartenieff Movement Analyst

Daniela Schlemm


9 Asdally Vale
Penzance, Cornwall
TR20 8TF



I have a very playful approach to Voice Dialogue as I think that just in play people (child or adult) are truly free to be creative and develop.
In play we have the chance to try the new without consequences. We become aware of our inner play and can change the script according to our true nature.
I believe that personal development and therapy is play, two people playing and one supports the other to get into play again were the flow got stuck.
I love the work as it so powerful and makes me smile again and again! Our souls are playful they have the freedom to be anything and can take on any form. If just these things would be taught in schools!

Languages Spoken: English, German

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2010

Offering Continuing Education Credits

Areas of Interest:
Bonding Patterns in Relationships
Individual Sessions
Working with the Archetype of the Fool in Groups

Title/Field School Date
CLMA Laban/ Bartenieff Movement Analyst Eurolab e.V. Berlin 2008
Professional Background
My background is in the performing arts, coming from acting, clowning, dance and improvisation. I studied 6 years psychology at University Bremen and started to understand the seriousness of play for personal growth and social change. I hold a state approved certificate from the school for dance, clowning and theatre in hanover / germany. I have studied the archetype of the fool for more then 12 years with Franki Anderson. I have been performing fully improvised solo and group shows from 2003 on and still perform, using the selves as players on stage.
I have been facilitating groups in the art of play and improvisation since 2001 and started to integrate Voice Dialogue into my work from 2009 onwards, as Voice Dialogue is a great tool for actors and dancers. I am a Laban/ Bartenieff Movement Analyst CLMA and I have been teaching dance, movement and especially the dynamics of movement, which is fantastic for reading energy patterns and working hand in hand with Voice Dialogue.
Having now settled down in cornwall, I have my own practice using Voice Dialogue for individual and couple sessions. I do Skype and phone sessions as well .
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Transforming DialogueDorchester UK11/2010-7/2013270 hoursTrilby Fairfax, Peter Dellensen
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Supervision and ongoing graduate programDorchester UKongoing 2013Peter Dellensen

* The most recent workshops.


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