Marie-Danielle Koechlin Literature Degree and Sculpture Degree

Art de la Conscience

Marie-Danielle Koechlin
5 rue de Crimée

+33(0) 6 76 30 27 76

I am a visual artist and a professional Voice Dialogist. I find great fulfilment in facilitating my clients, in transmitting them how to dance with their own Energies and to increase their creativity in all spheres of their lives.
I have been passionately interested in artistic creation since my teens. But I have devoted equal attention to my inner life and my relationships. Both were essential to me.

Creativity projects outside what is inside, gives an external shape to what dwells in us. How then could I create beautiful, powerful forms that could appeal to other people when inside me everything was jammed, stuck, and when I felt undermined by incapacitating, paralysing thoughts?
In seeking to reconcile my existential problems with my longing for beauty and life, I undertook a therapy. Having observed that the process was releasing an energy that nourished my art as well as irrigated my life and my relationships, I myself became a therapist.

However I was feeling somewhat divided between these two activities. Therefore when, in 1993, I discovered the books of Hal and Sidra Stone, they were like a revelation. I immediately followed the whole training cycle to become a professional in Voice Dialogue so that I could pass on to other people the amazing gifts of the method.

It is a blessing to cooperate in the awakening of a conscious Ego, to facilitate the process and to see it operating. Today, facilitation is an art for me. When creativity is freed up and unfolds, in whatever area, life can become a work of art.

I live in Paris, but I go regularly to London and Cambridge UK. I also work through video links.

Languages Spoken: French, Italiano, English

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1994
Teaching Since 1999

Additional Modalities: To facilitate I connect myself to an Energy of unconditional love which enables me to welcome a person as a whole, to discover and honour the Primary Selves and to open a field where the polarities at work can be embodied.

Besides traditional one-to-one Voice Dialogue sessions, I open my studio to people who wish to express their creativity or explore their various Selves with colours, clay or other materials.

Areas of Interest: Welcoming Primary and Disowned Selves
Developing ecology of the psyche.
Increasing one’s own creativity.
Discovering and deciding the meaning of one’s life.
Making one’s life into a work of art.

Title/Field School Date
Literature Degree and Sculpture Degree Geneva University, and Geneva Art School, Switzerland 1959 and 1996
Type Granting Organization Date
Reference Person for Switzerland International Co-Counselling From 1977 to 1989
Professional Background
Besides my regular art exhibitions in France, Belgium and Switzerland, I underwent a Freudian analysis from 1970 to 1973. I then studied Psychodrama with Dr Pierre Bour and Bio-Energy with Gerda Boyesen. In 1975 I spent one year in an Actional Analysis Community before becoming a teacher and a Reference Person in Co-Counselling and in Eleutheropedia, a movement created by the Belgian philosopher Pr. Daniel Le Bon.
I then trained in Voice Dialogue with Robert Stamboliev, director of the ITP Institute in Netherlands. The essentially creative nature of Voice Dialogue enables me to mix harmoniously the two fundamental streams of my life, art and conscience : its practice enriches my work as an artist, and in return art makes my work with my clients more fruitful.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Basic Voice Dialogue TrainingFrance1995-1998385 hours / 55 daysRobert Stamboliev
nternational Voice Dialogue WorkshopLes Courmettes, France07/08 199570 hours / 10 daysHal and Sidra Stone and Betty Bosdell
Voice Dialogue Summer Workshop, in charge of the artistic sessionsChâteauroux, France07/200335 hours / 5 daysVéronique Brard
Voice Dialogue basic training for coachesParis, France2004/200570 hours/10 days Assistant to Suzel Gaborit-Stiffel
Supervision Mendocino, USA08/2004 and regularly16 hours/4 days, and regularlyHal and Sidra Stone, Véronique Brard
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
International Voice Dialogue Workshop Bergen / Netherlands 07/200135 hours/5 daysHal and Sidra Stone
International Voice Dialogue WorkshopGwatt / Switzerland06/200335 hours / 5 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Music of the SpheresGwatt / Switzerland06 / 200535 hours / 5 daysHal and Sidra Stone
TransitionBergen / Netherlands06 / 200735 hours / 5 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Convergence 2010 and Convergence 2012London/GB and Paris, France 09/2010 and 09/201240 hours/6 dayMember of the Organising Committee for the Paris meeting

* The most recent workshops.


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