Esther Zahniser, M.A., Ed. Psychology

Esther ZahniserEsther Zahniser

Clarendon Buildings, 25 Horsell Road
N5 1XL
United Kingdom


I personally find Voice Dialogue the most effective support for my process and for my work with others.
I have a deep respect for the parts of us that make up our personality, and for the parts of us that are disowned; that have to operate outside our consciousness. If we are to become more whole, we often need support in coming to know and accept these parts of ourselves.

As I trained over the years with Hal and Sidra Stone, I found that this method continued to work powerfully, and, unlike some past trainings, honored the vulnerability on a par with the power.

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1988
Teaching Since 1989-2005

Additional Modalities: I was fortunate to have a developmental psychologist for my advisor in my M.A. studies. I was influenced then by the work of Adler, Dreikers, and Virginia Axline; and by the children in my practicum placements. In my coursework at the University of Maryland, Graduate Counselling Program, I was influenced by the work of Rogers, Jung, and Virginia Satir.

In London I certified in and used NLP as an aid to the Voice Dialogue facilitation process.
The Centre for Transpersonal Psychology's basic courses nourished my work. Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s Life, Death & Transition 5-day residential and follow-up workshops in her Externalization of Emotions process
and her Interpretation of Spontaneous Drawings brought new dimensions to the Voice Dialogue work.
The last ten years I’ve been a student of the Ridhwan School: its meditation and sensing practices. Its focus is on working respectfully with “false” representations of Being, thereby, dropping below them into their “true” nature. Very compatible with my Voice Dialogue work in dropping below the conditioned form of a self to get to what's beneath. Ridhwan's focus on “object relations” has a similarity to the bonding patterns of Voice Dialogue. For the past five years I have been training in Qi Gong.

Areas of Interest: I have a private practice in London, offering Voice Dialogue facilitation to individuals. I give phone and Skype sessions. My work is especially effective for people who: feel blocked emotionally, creatively, or relationally; Those who are experiencing mid-life crisis situations, as the push for wholeness seems to intensify at this time. I’ve worked with so many dreams over the years, and love the way that voice dialogue helps to reveal what the dream is teaching us.

Title/Field School Date
M.A., Ed. Psychology Michigan State 1971
Type Granting Organization Date
Counsellor/Psychotherapist British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy 2001
Professional Background
Voice Dialogue Facilitator, London 1988- present.
Led Voice Dialogue Level 1, residential trainings, 3 times a year, U.K.: 1989 - 2005.
Voice Dialogue Counsellor, The Letchworth Centre for Complementary Medicine. 1990 - 1993.
London: Course Developer & Presenter for the American Embassy, Focus,and Professional Women’s Organisations. Courses on Personal Development and Cross-Cultural Living. 1983 - 1985
Japan: Instructor, Human Development, Graduate Counselling Course, University of Maryland. Child Psychology and other psychology courses for their undergraduate program. 1979 - 1980.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Summer KampCalifornia1986 & 19887 DaysHal & Sidra Stone
Beginning TrainingsLondon, U.K.1985 & 19901985 2-3 days, 1990 4 days on staffHal & Sidra Stone
Beginning/IntermediateHolland1987, 1994 & 20015 DaysHal & Sidra Stone
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue IntensiveAlbion, California19966 DaysHal & Sidra Stone
Couples TrainingSussex, U.K.20012 DaysHal & Sidra Stone

* The most recent workshops.


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