The Netherlands
Op de site vind je wat ik, Lietje Perizonius, zoal aanbied.
Dat gaat van een Voice Dialogue Facilitator Opleiding in kleine groepen, individuele leergangen Voice Dialogue, tot consulten, coaching, relatie-sessies en open avonden.

The Netherlands
Karin Brugman is an experienced Voice Dialogue Trainer and facilitator and co-author of the book: "Me, My Selves and I. Discover other sides of yourself with Voice Dialogue".

The Netherlands
Director of het Balkon, trainer, coach, Voice Dialogue facilitator and co-author of 'Me, My Selves and I. Discovering other sides of yourself with Voice Dialogue’. Works with Voice Dialogue in the business area and teaches Voice Dialogue to trainers and coaches.

The Netherlands
I like to connect and synchronize with the intrinsic capacity that people have to heal and to develop. To honor the beauty and wisdom of the movement of the soul. To combine deep processes with a day to day practicality.

After 20 years of working with childless couples I was ready for something new. However, my commitment lies with people like me and my husband, childless people.
We own a beautiful house in Amsterdam. It was built in 1910 and it is located near the famous museums and the royal concert hall. The house has three floors, and therefore it's big enough to turn one floor into a Bed & Breakfast.

Nijmegen, The Netherlands
Psychosocial therapist, trainer, naturopath. Focusing, Dreamwork, Psychodrama, Family Constellations. Voice Dialogue for individuals, couples, groups. Facilitators' training. Available abroad (English, German, Dutch, French).

The Netherlands
As a senior Coach and Trainer I apply voice dialogue as a professional since 1995. I have provided (international) retreats, trainings, seminars, presentations and (online) coachings. Mainly for people working in organizations.

Vijhuizen, The Netherlands
I have 15 years of schooling and 30 years working experience in the area of physical and emotional well being. Started with posture and physical exercises, touched by the psycho-somatic complexity and fascinated by the physical endurance...

The Netherlands
Coaching, Teamcoaching, Teambuilding, Seniorcoaching, Burnout and Stresscoaching, Voice Dialogue and Focussing sessions.
The higher our education, the more we trust in intellect, judgement and ratio. With that we tend to forget the wisdom of our body. Only when life puts us on hold, we are prepared to listen to these signals.

Bergen, The Netherlands
Offering trainings and coaching in the field of empowerment, leadership, communication, process of change, using a.o., Voice Dialogue, meditation, movement (taijiquan).

Naarden-Vesting, The Netherlands
Inspiration with enthusiasm... Bringing Spirit in the body with the conscious connected breath. Clearing the mind with VD.
Tilke's main focus is teaching a heart centred approach in therapy based on respect, trust and love. The Spirit of Breath has the power to connect us with our real strength.

ITP Institute for Transformational Psychology
The Netherlands, Italy, Turkey
"Robert Stamboliev is a teacher of teachers and we wish to honor him appropriately. Robert, perhaps more than anyone else, has been responsible for introducing Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves in Europe. His trainings have produced – in additional to excellent facilitators - an amazing variety of brilliant teachers and creative innovators."

Awareness at Work
The Netherlands
I'm dedicated in increasing self-awareness in people as a way to contribute to a better world. I'm passionate in exploring new grounds of human development. Apart from my educations and professional experience, I love to be inspired by travels (encountering native people around the world), nature, dreams and music.

Transforming Dialogue biedt sinds 2013 een nieuwe training aan voor professionals waarin naast de theorie het accent zal liggen op het integreren en gebruiken van ‘Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves’ in de praktijk.