Merten Mayke,

Mayke Merten Coaching & Advisering
Maasstraat 22Bunde, Maastricht
003143 3654509
People are unique; therefore I employ several tools, methods and theories. From my cliënts demands evolves the right way to set to work together.
The higher our education, the more we trust in intellect, judgement and ratio. With that we tend to forget the wisdom of our body. Only when life puts us on hold, we are prepared to listen to these signals. Voice Dialogue is a powerful tool for even the smallest of interventions in a cliënts life.
Languages Spoken: dutch
Detailed information 

About This Practice
Practicing Since 2000
Type | Granting Organization | Date |
Coaching Practioner | School for Coaching | 2000 |
Stressmanagement | I&O | 2004 |
Focussing | Sentir | 2006 |
Professional Background |
Untill 2000 I worked as a manager in a company for technical processes. After that I started a selfemployed company as a coach and trainer. I trained for several methods like Voice Dialogue and Focussing. I started using VD in cliënt sessions after I read ''embracing ourselves". For managers it is a real plus to find out about their major heavyweights. Later I studied with Marijke Leys and found out about much more aspects of VD. |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Dilemma's for managers | Netherlands | 10/1995 | 6 days | Lex Mulder and Herma Hagen |
Voice Dialogue | Belgium | 09/2008-12/2011 | 18 days | Marijke Leys |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Inner Patriarch and disowned instinctual selves | Belgium | 04/2010 | 8 hours | Martha- Lou Wolff |
Body work | Belgium | 10/2010 | 4 hours | Judith Hendin |
Embracing our instinctual heritage | Belgium | 10/2011 | 8 hours | Matha- Lou Wolff |
Voice drama | Belgium | 04/2011 | 8 hours | Lex Mulder |
* The most recent workshops.