Judith Budde, director/Voice Dialogue teacher het Balkon

het Balkon, Conference and Education Centre
Hooidijk 15Vasse,
7661 RA
Languages Spoken: Dutch, English
Detailed information 

About This Practice
Practicing Since 2000
Teaching Since 2003
Offering Continuing Education Credits
Additional Modalities: Apart from Voice Dialogue I have followed post-academic education in the field of training, coaching, groupdynamics, psychodrama, mentalisation based treatment, psychopathology, Theme Centered Interaction, teamtraining and organisational development.
Title/Field | School | Date | director/Voice Dialogue teacher het Balkon |
Title | State | Date | Ph.D. Dutch Language & literature | VU Amsterdam | 1987 |
Type | Granting Organization | Date |
NIP Registered Trainer | Netherlands | 1995 |
Professional Background |
Judith Budde is the owner/director of het Balkon (Conference- and Education Centre) and she is working as senior management & teamtrainer and coach (since 1987). She uses Voice Dialogue in the business area, with managers and professionals. She teaches Voice Dialogue to trainers, coaches, psychologists etc. and publishes about Voice Dialogue. She also organizes retreats with Voice Dialogue for personal and professional development. Judith is co-author of 'Ik (k)en mijn ikken. Ontdek andere kanten van jezelf met Voice Dialogue', also available in English: 'Me, My selves and I. Discovering other sides of yourself with Voice Dialogue.' She is also co-author of the book 'Drama in bedrijf', about working with dramatechniques in training and coaching. |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
2 years education in Psychodrama and Voice Dialogue | Hem/Warnsveld, Netherlands | 1998-2000 | 216 Hours | Lex Mulder |
Voice Dialogue Education for experienced trainers, coaches, consultants | Bergen, Netherlands | Febr. 2005- Jan 2006 | 175 hours (including supervision) | Robert Stamboliev, Maria Daniƫls |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Thera, Voice Dialogue Intensive Training Level II/III | Albion, California | in 2006, 2007, 2008, 2010 and 2011 | 5 x 7 days, total 180 hours | Hal and Sidra Stone and their staff |
2 x 2 days Workshop Voice Dialogue and Bondingpatterns, and dreams | Tienen and Vasse | 2008 and 2009 | 2 x 2 days | Martha-Lou Wolff (California, USA) |
2 x 4 days International Voice Dialogue Conference | New York, USA and London, Great Britain | Sept. 2009 en Sept. 2010 | 2 x 4 days | 2 x 4 days |
2 days Workshop Body Dialogue | Leuven, Belgium | Sept. 2010 | 2 days | Tamar Stone (USA) |
2 days Workshop Conscious Body | Vasse, Netherlands | April 2012 | 2 days | Judith Hendin (USA) |
* The most recent workshops.