Karin Brugman, Voice Dialogue Trainer & Facilitator.

Karin Brugman

De Onderstroom Training & Coaching

Nicolaasweg 114
Utrecht, Utrecht
The Netherlands

+31 (0)6 1919 5008


Karin Brugman is an experienced Voice Dialogue Trainer and facilitator and co-author of the book: "Me, My Selves and I. Discover other sides of yourself with Voice Dialogue".

Languages Spoken: Dutch, English

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2001
Teaching Since 2005

Title/Field School Date
Voice Dialogue Trainer & Facilitator.
Title State Date
MSc. Social Sciences University of Utrecht 1993
Professional Background
Karin Brugman is an experienced Voice Dialogue Trainer and facilitator and co-author of the book: "Me, My Selves and I. Discover other sides of yourself with Voice Dialogue'.

She is owner of 'De Onderstroom (The Undertow) Training & Coaching' and skilled in a variety of approaches including Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), Focussing, TA, NLP, with a preference and special interest in working with Voice Dialogue and drama techniques.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
2 years education in Psychodrama and Voice DialogueThe Netherlands1998-2000216 hoursDrs. Lex Mulder
Education Transformational Psychology The Netherlands2001- 2003350 hoursRobert Stamboliev, Maria Daniels
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Thera, Voice Dialogue Intensive Training Level II/IIICalifornia, USA2006, 2007, 2008, 2010, 20125 x 8 days, total 180 hoursHal & Sidra Stone, staff members
2 x 2 days Workshop Voice Dialogue and Bondingpatterns, and dreamsBelgium20082 x 2 daysMartha- Lou Wolff (USA)
1 x 4 daysUK20102 x 4 days
2 days Workshop Body DialogueBelgium20102 daysTamar Stone (USA)
2 days Workshop Conscious Body WorkThe Netherlands20122 daysJudith Hendin (USA)

* The most recent workshops.


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