Wendy Hobbelink, MSc.

Wendy Hobbelink



As a senior Coach and Trainer I apply voice dialogue as a professional since 1995. I have provided (international) retreats, trainings, seminars, presentations and (online) coachings. Mainly for people working in organizations.

I'm dedicated in increasing self-awareness in people as a way to contribute to a better world. I'm passionate in exploring new grounds of human development. Apart from my educations and professional experience, I love to be inspired by travels (encountering native people around the world), nature, dreams and music.

Languages Spoken: English, Dutch

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1994
Teaching Since 1996

Title/Field School Date
MSc. University of Groningen 1987
Type Granting Organization Date
EuroPsy Psychologist EPFA 2014
Professional Background
As a senior Coach and Trainer I apply voice dialogue as a professional since 1994. Both my partner Martin Thoolen and I have founded our own company 'Circumference' in 1999. Over the years we have provided (international) retreats, trainings, seminars, presentations and (online) coachings. Mainly for people working in organizations. We have published an array of articles, blogs and a book in Dutch ('Rijkdom is gratis!') and continue doing so.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
LEVEL III Voice DialogueAlbion, CA, USA1997Hal & Sidra Stone
ITPBergen NH, The Netherlands1993 - 1995
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
SupervisionAlbion, CA, USA1995Hal & Sidra Stone

* The most recent workshops.


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