Wilma Deurloo

Wilma Deurloo

De Bakermat

Frans van Mierisstraat 42 bv
1071 RV
The Netherlands

+ 31 (0)6 3088 9227


After 20 years of working with childless couples I was ready for something new. However, my commitment lies with people like me and my husband, childless people.
We own a beautiful house in Amsterdam. It was built in 1910 and it is located near the famous museums and the royal concert hall. The house has three floors, and therefore it's big enough to turn one floor into a Bed & Breakfast. From September 2013 we are welcoming childless men and women and others who are working through their grieving process in De Bakermat Bed & Breakfast. You may either just come to stay with us or combine your stay with a Voice Dialogue session.

Languages Spoken: Dutch and English

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1994

Areas of Interest:
People who are working through a grieving process due to infertility problems and childlessness

Title State Date
Trainer in Transformation Psychology Bergen, The Netherlands 1994
Professional Background
In the past I've been working as a secretary and as a schoolnurse. In 1991 I have started a 3-year training at the Institute for Transformational Psychology. After my graduation, I specialized in working as a grieving therapist with people who are confronted with infertility problems and childlessness.
In 2011 I have written the book: “I would be a lovely grandmother; stories of childless women in the age of a grandmother”.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Trainer in Transformational PsychologyBergen, The Netherlands1991 - 19943 yearsRobert Stamboliev, Marian van Riemsdijk, Maria Daniels
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Assisting trainer (2nd and 3rd year of the ITP education) Bergen, The Netherlands 1994 - 19962 yearsRobert Stamboliev, Marian van Riemsdijk
Voice Dialogue Intensive Training Level IIFrance 19957 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Trainer facilitating skills for students of the ITP Amsterdam, The Netherlands1996-19971 day per months
Staff member of Intensive Training Level IIAlbion, California, USA199634 hoursHal and Sidra Stone
Voice Dialogue Intensive Training Level II Bergen, The Netherlands19971 weekHal & Sidra Stone

* The most recent workshops.


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