Murray J. Armstrong, MSW, RSWMurray J. Armstrong, MSW, RSW
Edmonton, Alberta
Armstrongs’ Counselling Services (Center) - offers individual, couples, family and group therapy, facilitation and training at their center. Donna and Murray Armstrong are equipped to facilitate via webcam and/or teleconferencing on an hourly rate.

Lorena ColarussoLorena Colarusso, Psychotherapist
Stoney Creek, Ontario
In my practice, teaching and facilitation, I incorporate the belief that personal transformation journeys through multiple levels of consciousness in order for us to create inner peace and balance. As we evolve through each level, we bring more consciousness and choice into our lives. These levels of consciousness include, Personal Psyche, Body and Energy Field, Family Collective Consciousness and Spirit, Integrated Consciousnesses and beyond.
Daryl VansierDaryl Vansier B.A. Psychology
Montreal, Quebec
Founder/director of Heaven and Earth Institute
"My personal and professional mission is to know myself. I consider this to be our primary responsibility if we are to live in harmony with one another".

Kim WallKim Wall B.L.A.
Comox, BC
Success Unlimited. Offering Personal Coaching in Voice Dialogue and Self Dialogue, either in person or over the phone.
Armstrongs' Counselling Services (ACS)Armstrongs' Counselling Services (ACS)
Edmonton, Alberta
Armstrongs’ Counselling Services (Center) - offers individual, couples, family and group therapy, facilitation and training at their center. Donna and Murray Armstrong are equipped to facilitate via webcam and/or teleconferencing on an hourly rate.

Dave WaughDave Waugh RPC (Registered Professional Counsellor)
Vancouver, BC
My passion is in mentoring young adults and mid-lifers in navigating through a challenging Quarter Life Crisis or Midlife Crisis. I help them question the old life story that has cast them as a victim in a tragedy and transform it into an adventure of meaning and purpose.

psychology of the selves
The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue Introduction
A Fireside Chat
Article by Sidra Stone

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