Kim Wall RPC, MPCC

Kim Wall
1225 Walter Gage St
Comox, BC
V9M 3X1

(250) 897-9747

I have always been passionate about searching out effective tools that provide the opportunity to become more conscious. I feel that a healthy relationship with our-selves is the foundation for creating healthy relationships with others and that our children cannot help but flourish when they see us model self understanding, self compassion and self love.


Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1994
Teaching Since 1995

Areas of Interest: Relationships between parents and children, working with critically ill patients and their families, PTSD.

Type Granting Organization Date
Professional Counselling Certification in Transpersonal Psychology Clearmind International Institute 2013
Professional Background
I have been studying and using Voice Dialogue since 1994. I was a member of senior staff for Hal and Sidra Stone from 2002 untill their retirement in 2012.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Senior StaffMendocino, California2002-2012



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