Dave Waugh, RPC

Dave Waugh

Elements Counselling

#8 - 145 19th Street
Courtenay, BC
V6K 1C7

1-250-792-4184 / 1-604-488-9203

www.davewaugh.net / www.seahorsecounselling.ca

My passion is in mentoring young adults and mid-lifers in navigating through a challenging Quarter Life Crisis or Midlife Crisis. I help them question the old life story that has cast them as a victim in a tragedy and transform it into an adventure of meaning and purpose.


Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2007

Areas of Interest: Facilitating major life passages

Degree: RPC
License: RPC
Type Granting Organization Date
Registered Professional Counsellor Canadian Professional Counsellors Association 2003
Professional Background
As a Mentor and Psychotherapist I presently work in private practice with individuals, couples and groups. My orientation is facilitating soulful transformation and evolution. The main modality I use is Voice Dialogue but I draw on 23 years of psych-spiritual experience and training. I have diplomas in Process Counselling, Client-Centered Counselling, Sufi Healing and Belief Closet Process. I also am a graduate of a wilderness leadership program.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Level III TrainingMendocino20105 daysHal & Sidra Stone & Guest Teachers
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Assisting a Level I&II TrainingCortes IslandJuly 20095 daysJ'aime ona pangaia
Level II TrainingOregon CoastAugust 20085 daysJ'aime ona pangaia
Level II SupervisionPortlandNovember 200816 hoursJ'aime ona pangaia
Level I/II TrainingOregonOctober 20075 daysJ'aime ona pangaia, Chosen & Hogan Beys

* The most recent workshops.


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