Zohar Berchik, MA
(Counseling) Grad Dip. Couns & HS

Zohar Berchik



+61425 851 188



Zohar is a Counsellor, Psychotherapist and Group Facilitator with over 20 years of experience in group leadership and facilitation and over 15 years as a counsellor, psychotherapist and Voice Dialogue Facilitator. She has provisioned Clinical Supervision and is a Senior Lecturer in Counselling and Psychotherapy at The Cairnmillar Institute and the Learning and Teaching Director of The Australian Centre for Voice Dialogue, in Melbourne Australia.

She has taught in the counselling, psychotherapy, allied health and medical programs at La Trobe University, the Institute for Emotion Focused Therapy, the University of New England and the Australian College of Applied Psychology - where she was the recipient of two higher education Excellence in Teaching Awards (2013 and 2018) “In recognition of sustained excellence in teaching and outstanding commitment to education” and "Approaches to teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn


Her methodological expertise is in contemporary Person-Centred approaches, Emotion Focused Therapy and the approach closest to her heart: Voice Dialogue.

To learn more about Zohar, her journey with Voice Dialogue and her facilitation of groups: Listen to "Connected with Zohar Berchik” where she is interviewed by renowned business coach Rebekah O’Rourke. To learn more about the experience of training in Voice Dialogue with Zohar, go here.

Languages Spoken: English, Hebrew

Offering Continuing Education Credits

Detailed information

Practicing Since 2003
Teaching Since 2010

Additional Modalities: Process Experiential Emotion Focused Therapy

Areas of Interest: Particular interest in combining aspects of Process Experiential Emotion Focused Therapy with Voice Dialogue. Working with bodily felt sense as guide.

Title/Field School Date
MA (Counseling) Grad Dip. Couns& HS La Trobe University 2009
Type Granting Organization Date
Adv. Cert. Psychotherapy Cairnmillar 2004
Cert IV in Training and Assessment
Professional Background
Zohar is an experienced counselor, psychotherapist and educator, skilled in a variety of approaches including psychodynamic and interpersonal psychotherapy, CBT and person-centred counseling, with a special interest in Process Experiential Emotion Focused Therapy and Voice Dialogue facilitation.

Zohar is a member of the Australian Counseling Association (ACA) and a Clinical member of the Counselors and Psychotherapists Association of Victoria (CAPAV)
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue Level II / IIIAlbion, California USA April 2011HAL STONE, Ph.D. & SIDRA STONE, Ph.D.
Voice Dialogue Level II / IIIAlbion, California USAApril 2010HAL STONE, Ph.D. & SIDRA STONE, Ph.D.
Voice Dialogue Level IMelbourne, AustraliaAna Barner

* The most recent workshops.


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