
Susanna Lerch

BewegungsHimmel, Geissensteinring 41

+41(0)41 210 94 77

Energywork, conciousness training, the psycho-spiritual process and healing are my major interests.

With Voice Dialogue I found a method which allows me to combine my major interests.

Sessions for individuals and groups, introductury workshops, teachings, supervision.

Languages Spoken: german, english

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2004
Teaching Since 2009

Title/Field School Date
Dancetherapiste Cary Rick, Switzerland 1994
Title State Date
Qi Gong Teacher Switzerland 2000
Type Granting Organization Date
New dance teacher Lilo Stahl, Germany 1993 - 2003
Professional Background
I have had a private practice since 1991. I teach Tai-Chi, Qi Gong, New dance.

I have worked as a dance- and movement therapiste with private clients since 1992, and as a Facilitator with Voice Dialogue since 2004.

I also combine Voice Dialogue and Dance in private sessions and teachings.

Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Training Voice Dialogue, workshops, session, supervisionLuzern, Wintherthur , Switzerland2003 - 2008more than 30 days Martha-Lou Wolff, Berkeley, USA
VD training level II/III, workshops, sessionsAlbion CA, USA 2006, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013 35 daysHal and Sidra Stone
The self behind the symptom, private teachingEaston, PA, USAAugust 20083 days, 17 hoursJudith Hendin
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Intensiv for advanced Facilitators and Teachers Mogelsberg, Switzerland 2014 5 days Martha-Lou Wolff, Cathrine Keir,   USA
International Conference  Bergen, Netherland 2007   Varying teachers
Europeen ConvergenceLondon, England
Paris, France
  Varying teachers
International Convergence Boulder, Colorado 2013   Varying teachers
International meetingsNetherlands, England2007, 201010 days Varying teachers
Workshops, sessions, supervisionLuzern, Winterthuron going, since 2009 Martha-Lou Wolff, Berkeley

* The most recent workshops.


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