Liv Dons Samset, Ph.D

I started out as a scientist, but as the years passed, I wanted contact with people on a more personal level. In my Sociology Education I had much psychology and wanted to move in that direction. Then I discovered Voice Dialogue. It had all the assets I valued most; openness, warmth, total accept and an intellectual approach. It was all I wanted. I invested fully in it and has since contiued to learn by those wonderful people, Hal and Sidra Stone. My work has been facilitating clients and teaching workshop and translating the book "The Inner Critic" into NorwegianLanguages Spoken: Norwegian, English
Detailed information 

About This Practice
Practicing Since 1989
Teaching Since 1990
Additional Modalities:
Integrativ Terapie, 2001-04. A holistic therapeutic orientation that includes psychotherapy, movement therapy, social therapy and creativity development. The therapy has as a basis to understand man in his social and ecological context.
Areas of Interest: Strengthening the Aware Ego, Voice Dialogue and art, adding impulses from Integrative Therapie to Voice Dialogue
Title/Field | School | Date | Ph.D | University of Oslo, Norway | 1979 |
Title | State | Date |
Professional Background |
Social Sciences/Educational Sociology - Communication. Scientist, administrative co-ordinator for research in education and psychology, advisor, group facilitator. |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Voice Dialogue Facilitator and Trainer | Oslo, Norway | 1988 and 1989 | ca. 70 days | Susan Schwartz Senstad, Robert Stamboliev |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Voice Dialogue Summercamp, Teacher Track, Inner critic Workshop | France/ Holland | 1990, 1991, 1994 | 3 weeks | Hal & Sidra Stone and Robert Stamboliev |
Voice Dialogue Intensive Level II/III | Albion, California | 1992,94 and 99 2004, 05, 06 | 36 days | Hal & Sidra Stone |
Voice Dialogue Training assistent | Oslo, Norway | 2000 | 5 days | Martha-Lou Wolff |
* The most recent workshops.