florence kehrer-boryFlorence Kehrer-Bory

Rue de Chantepoulet 21
Genève, Genève

022 738 30 20


Dr Philippe Kehrer - Florence Kehrer-Bory A global medical and psychological approach to sleep. Voice Dialogue sessions by Florence Kehrer-Bory, trained psychologist FSP in Voice Dialogue.

Florence Kehrer-Bory - MA. Psychology (Dip. FSP). Private practice since 1985. Individual Voice Dialogue sessions and psychotherapy for adults and teenagers. School and career counselling. French and english speaking.

Staff Members

Florence Kehrer-Bory - MA. Psychology (Dip. FSP). Private practice since 1985. Individual Voice Dialogue sessions and psychotherapy for adults and teenagers. School and career counselling. French and english speaking.


About This Center
Dr Philippe Kehrer - Florence Kehrer-Bory A global medical and psychological approach to sleep. Voice Dialogue sessions by Florence Kehrer-Bory, trained psychologist FSP in Voice Dialogue.
Florence Kehrer-Bory - MA. Psychology (Dip. FSP). Private practice since 1985. Individual Voice Dialogue sessions and psychotherapy for adults and teenagers. School and career counselling. French and english speaking.

Staff Members

Florence Kehrer-Bory - MA. Psychology (Dip. FSP). Private practice since 1985. Individual Voice Dialogue sessions and psychotherapy for adults and teenagers. School and career counselling. French and english speaking.


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