ELENA DRAGOTTO, Psychologist

ROMA, ITALIA0039 3473626787
Areas of Interest: Voice Dialogue individual and for couples
Facilitations, training in Psychology of Selves and Voice
Dialogue; workshops about feminine themes for women;
workshops about gender themes and relationships. Trainings.
Languages Spoken: Italian, Spanish, English
Detailed information 

About This Practice
Practicing Since 1995
Teaching Since 1996
Offering Continuing Education Credits
Title/Field | School | Date | Psychologist | Università La Sapienza Roma | 1989 |
Type | Granting Organization | Date |
Counselor Supervisor | Innerteam | 1995 |
Family Constellation | ABHI | 2003 |
Professional Background |
Teacher in Voice Dialogue workshops in Italy and Spain. Teacher in the Master in "Counseling and Relational Training" organized by the University of Siena, at the Faculty of Humanities at Arezzo. |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Training Voice Dialogue | Italy | 1991 - 1996 | Manuela Terraluna; Franca Errani | |
International Meetings | Swiss; Holland, Italy | 1999; 2001; 2003; 2005 | Hal and Sidra Stone |
* The most recent workshops.