Chris Nunan, MA

Chris Nunan

Inner Business

Bygaden 23
8420 Knebel

0045 4096 1705

Life is a dialogue internally and externally
With awareness we can shift our energies and changes our perspectives.
Learning to really listen to all of you is liberating.
I can help you hear your own inner voice and learn to love all aspects of it.
When we have awareness we have choice - simple as that.

Languages Spoken: English and Danish

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1998
Teaching Since 1999

Additional Modalities: Certified Mindfulness MBSR Instructor, Focusing level 1, Laughter Yoga Instructor, WuJI Gong qi gong senior instructor.

Areas of Interest: I am very involved in facilitating our critical and spiritual voices - working with acceptance and balance, Big Mind, Big Heart etc.

Title/Field School Date
MA Aarhus Univercity 1986
Title State Date
Cand. Mag Denmark 1986
Type Granting Organization Date
Dybdeterapi Institut for Dybdeterapi 1997
Professional Background
I have worked in the personal transformation field for many years. I like to work with groups and I facilitate people and groups on a regular basis.

Shortly after I learned Voice Dialogue i got involved in a peergroup named European Facilitators lead by Diana L Smith in France

I consider myself a teacher and facilitator.
In work with Theory-U and managers. I also work with EFT - energywork and newer Energy Psychology approaches.

Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Psychology of the Aware EgoBergen, Holland07/19985 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Peergroup Voice Dialogue workLe Crotoy, France1999-2000Several weekends - 9 daysDiana L Smith and a gret group of peers
Supervision and coursesDenmark1999- 20012-3 daysMartha Lou Cohen

* The most recent workshops.


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