Astra Niedra, BA (Philosophy, Education)

Voice Dialogue and You! (website/blog)
I have facilitated and taught Voice Dialogue for many years now, but at present the focus of my work is on writing and running my website/blog on Voice Dialogue.
I write about using Voice Dialogue in day-to-day life such as with relationships and parenting. There's also explanatory material, a section with interviews with the selves, and new sections will be added over time. I also write about various issues that affect us all and offer a way to look at those issues that's inspired by the ideas in Voice Dialogue.
Please visit the blog and subscribe to receive email updates on new material.
I use Voice Dialogue in my life daily (especially to help me with raising my children and in my relationship with my husband). My husband and I facilitate each other and he is also a kind of 'silent partner' in my work, often editing and proofreading my writing.
When my children are older and hopefully I have more time and energy, it is likely I will return to facilitating others again.
Detailed information 

About This Practice
Practicing Since 1993
Teaching Since 1996
Title/Field | School | Date | BA (Philosophy, Education) | University of Sydney | 1990 |
Professional Background |
I've facilitated and taught Voice Dialogue for many years but now spend most of my time writing as well as caring for my young family. My books include The Perfect Relationship, Enlightenment Through Motherhood and Which Self Are You?. (You can find more information about each book on my website.) I also have an introductory ebook available at all the ebook retailers called The Greatest Relationship Secret which introduces the idea of people having many selves and how that affects their relationships. This ebook promotes Voice Dialogue and encourages readers who are interested in the ideas presented to seek further information and guidance from a Voice Dialogue facilitator in their area. I have also written for magazines and web sites, and I wrote the Daily Voice Dialogue newsletter and blog and the Baby Dialogue blog for many years before I consolidated them all into my current site/blog at While I was Editor of WellBeing magazine (over two decades ago now) I published and edited the magazine’s first feature on Voice Dialogue (an article by Victoria Resch). My most recent editing project was the Beyondblue Research Summaries 2007-2010 book. (Beyondblue is an Australian non-profit organisation which promotes awareness of depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders and related mental health disorders.) I have also studied philosophy, meditation and various types of yoga for almost three decades and have an interest in how the ideas in Voice Dialogue work with the ideas in Eastern philosophical and mystical traditions. |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Voice Dialogue Level II/III | Thera, USA | 11/1997 | 6 days | Hal and Sidra Stone |
Voice Dialogue Advanced Training | Melbourne, Australia | 2002 | Hal and Sidra Stone | |
Voice Dialogue Training | Lane Cove, Sydney, Australia | 1990 | Hal and Sidra Stone | |
Voice Dialogue and the Inner Critic | Sydney, Australia | 1991 | Prilla Guest |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Voice Dialogue Training - Staff member | Blackheath, Australia | 1997 | Hal and Sidra Stone |
* The most recent workshops.