Ana Barner

Ana Barner

Transpersonal Dialogue International

Byron Bay

+61 2 6684 7158

I use Voice Dialogue in a variety of ways and purposes. For my own personal process and to assist others to relax into themselves and be able to creatively use the abundance of Selves and polarities within their lives and relationships. 

I am interested in learning and teaching how to be actively involved in life and this world without losing connection to Essence and Being. For me Voice Dialogue is one of the most creative, fun, exciting and elegant awareness tools that can support myself and others in this process. My focus is assisting people in accessing Beingness and learn to integrate this energy into their daily life. 

I am passionate about relationships and support individuals, couples and groups to create conscious relationships. I run relationship seminars, teach couples how to facilitate each other and facilitators how to work with couples. 

My training programs combine Voice Dialogue with all its different aspects and methodologies, Transpersonal Dialogue, Voice Constellations and Big Mind Big Heart (created by Genpo Roshi). I love training others to be empowered and creative facilitators through a variety of ongoing experiential apprenticeship programs.

I am available for individual and couples sessions as well as professional supervision, face to face, via phone and Internet. I work mainly in Australia, New Zealand and Germany, and….I am open to come to you if you invite me!

Languages Spoken: English, German, Dutch

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1987
Teaching Since 1990

Additional Modalities: Voice Constellations, Big Mind-Big Heart (developed by Genpo Roshi)

Areas of Interest: Voice Dialogue as a transformational practice.
The development of an Aware Ego process integrating Doing and Being.
Developing conscious relationships through learning to balance polarities.

Professional Background
After studying Psychology and Social Work in the Netherlands in the late 70s, I became interested in a variety of personal development modalities, immersing myself in my own process and deepening my facilitation skills. Some of the creative tools I experienced and were trained in were: co-counseling, radical therapy, encounter groups, rebirthing, primal, psychodrama, family constellations, process oriented psychology.

I discovered Voice Dialogue when I was working as a Rebirther in Sydney in 1986 and quickly realized I had found my passion. I then became involved in bringing Hal and Sidra Stone to Australia and trained with them, working as a staff member in Australia, USA and Europe since 1987 until now.

I took Voice Dialogue to New Zealand and started conducting training groups. I then established the Sydney Voice Dialogue Centre in the mid 90s. During that period I developed Transpersonal Dialogue and Voice Constellations.

Moving to the North Coast of Australia I became interested in working with illness and death, becoming involved in a hospice movement and establishing the Centre for Conscious Living and Dying.

My interest in the Transpersonal took me to study with Genpo Roshi and integrate his “Big Mind Big Heart” process into my practice. I also work increasingly with couples, teaching Conscious Relationship seminars. I work as a facilitator and trainer in Australia, New Zealand and Europe and over the phone and skype.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue training level Sydney Australia198710 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Voice Dialogue training, staff memberAustralia199010 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Summer camp, staff memberUSA199210 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Bavarian Summer Camp, staff memberGermany199410 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Voice Dialogue Training, staff memberMendecino, USA19967 daysHal and Sidra Stone
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue Training, staff memberThe Netherlands20007 daysRobert Stamboliev
Voice Dialogue extensionthe Netherlands20034 daysHal and Sidra Stone
International Voice DialogueSwitzerland06/03/05 - 06/10/057 daysHal and Sidra Stone, Robert Stamboliev
International Conference, staff memberBergen, the Netherlands06/29/07 - 07/06/077 daysHal and Sidra Stone, Robert Stamboliev
Voice Dialogue training, level 3, staff memberMendecino, USA05/23/09 - 05/29/097 daysHal and Sidra Stone

* The most recent workshops.


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