Voice Dialogue Finland

Pitkäkatu 32-34 B 21



About This Center
Voice Dialogue Finland is located in the city of Jyväskylä, about 300 km north of Helsinki. We inhabit a small apartment with facilitation space, a small library and a kitchenette. There is a 2 km walk from the city transportation centre to the apartment. Nearby there are convenient sleeping rooms and places to eat.
The centre of the city is about 1½ km away. Jyväskylä is known for its beautiful location in the Finnish lake district and its University.

Three of our staff are locacted nearby the centre and two in other locations near Helsinki area.

The history of the centre is told in the article How Voice Dialogue entered Finland by Jukka Laitakari and Tetra Frey-Laitakari in Voice Dialogue International/Reading room/academic, peer reviewed

We offer Voice Dialogue facilitations in Finnish and English in the centre by our staff. We are also available to support the work of the faciliators across the country and offer lectures and seminars for anybody interested. One of our staff members (Niina Reina) has the capacity to do Conscious Body facilitations

Staff Members

Jyväskylä (300 km north of Helsinki): Jukka Laitakari 358-400559915
Tetra Frey.-Laitakari 358-407539265
Risto Lahnalampi 358-445111020

Järvenpää (30 km north of Helsinki): Marja-Liisa Koljonen 358-414469923

Espoo (next to Helsinki): Niina Reina 358-407165027 (also Conscious Body facilitations)


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